An Icelandic goat at the goat farm Háafell in Borgarbyggð Iceland
Cashmere is the soft under-hair or down growing on the goat which is covered by guard hair which is coarse.
There were plans in Scotland to start growing cashmere. At the Macaylay institute they imported kids, semen and embryos from Siberia, New Zealand, Tasmania and Iceland from 1986-1988 to be intercrossed and crossed with native feral goats to form the base of Scottish cashmere goats. see here
Currently the biggest producer of cashmere are China,Mongolia, Iran, Tibet and India. The European cashmere industry uses imported cashmere from these countries. There are however growers of cashmere in Europe and the UK. See Devon Fine Fibres . Also there is cashmere product in Australia, New-Zealand and the USA.